Over the last 20 years, a major shift has occurred in the job market. More and more people are foregoing traditional professions to make their own way online. What was once the domain of silicon valley has become a much more vast market place.
We may still present all the possibilities at school job fairs with faux confidence, but the truth is that many known professions will become defunct in the near future. Making money online is probably easier than setting up a food truck nowadays, and if you don’t think you can do it, chances are you just don’t know how easy it is.

With the most basic computer skills, you can set up a good website, and get your new career started.
Check out this WordPress hosting comparison to help you decide which plan to use. It’s important to decide what you’re looking for from WordPress hosting. Some options are very fast, but if you are going to be writing a blog, that’s not exactly necessary. If, on the other hand, you plan on selling stuff through an e-commerce site, you will need a plan that is efficient at managing traffic from your local area, or wherever you are able to ship your orders. You’ll find options for cheap hosting so that you can commit to your career without needing a huge amount of capital.
Here are some ideas for making money online in 2019.
Start Writing
For centuries, writers were very precious about their craft. Only the talented few could write anything worth reading. You were either famous or irrelevant. There was no inbetween.
However, blogging changed things. All of a sudden, people realized that writing didn’t need to be revolutionary in order for it to be useful. You could write about your gardening habit, and people who loved gardening would read it.
In other words, you can become a writer as long as you have something to say. It doesn’t have to be something new or unheard of. It just has to be interesting to some people.
Becoming a writer online is now easier than ever. Bloggers make more consistent incomes than many other types of contractors, and you can freelance for tons of companies who need content for their websites. Consider the example of the translation industry. There are professional translation services operating around the globe that hire not only freelance translators but also bloggers, website writers and marketing copywriters who can help to build their brands, meaning that this one sector alone generates a wealth of writing opportunities. Start a simple website selling yourself, or join a freelancer platform like Upwork, and you’ll be making money in no time.
Sell Your Crafts
Just like writers can make a success of just about any niche, so too can crafters. There is just such a huge audience, that if you are any good you’re bound to find someone who wants to buy what you’re making. If that happens to be creepy dolls with exes for eyes, who am I to judge.
Sites like Etsy make selling crafts that much easier. As long as you believe in your own ability, you’ll be able to sell your stuff. But you have to commit to it. Try selling by telling people that, “Um, I don’t know if this is any good,” and you won’t need to wait for an answer.
Create A Vlog
Creating a vlog takes work. You need to do the scripting, filming, editing, and social media engagement. You’re therefore working across platforms. But those who have a knack for it will find the work enjoyable. If you have something to say and you have a great personality that comes through on video, a vlog may be the medium you’ve always dreamed of.
Some vloggers are making millions of dollars, but you don’t need to be world famous to make a consistent income. Try it, and with some work the money will start rolling in.
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tart rolling in says
Some vloggers are making millions of dollars, but you don’t need to be world famous to make a consistent income. Try it, and with some work the money will start rolling in