I was so excited when hearing the news that ESPN networks and ABC will televise all 51 matches of Euro 2020 (or Euro 2021!). Moreover, all 51 matches could be streamed live on the ESPN+ service. That was really great news because I love using the ESPN+ service to stream Italian Serie A in the last season.
I was even more thrilled as they said all the games would be streamed in Multiview mode (Alternate Feed). I thought that it would be somewhat similar to fuboTV’s Multiview or ESPN+’s Multicast feature which splits the screen and allows streaming different games simultaneously. The Multi View feature sounds amazing, I expected at least it would offer the primary camera angle and some other angles to the crowd or coaches. If that was true, that would have been the best soccer watching experience ever for just $5.99 per month.
Unfortunately, the real Multi View feature is far from what I imagined. In this mode, ESPN+ actually displays 3 different feeds but none of them is the normal view. They include two feeds of the two coaches on the left side and a larger aerial cam (tactical cam) on the right. The tactical cam shows the game in vertical orientation which is totally different from how we always watch soccer. You can see all players in the feed but it is impossible to see the ball or which player has it. And of course, you won’t be able to see replays of goals or other actions. The only thing that helps me follow the match is the audio from ESPN’s match commentators.

I was so disappointed with the experience and cancelled the service immediately. ESPN+ doesn’t offer refund after purchasing the subscription but I contacted Apple to ask for the refund easily. Later I figured out that ESPN+ will stream just semifinals and final matches in full view mode. Most of us want to watch the whole tournament, not just the 3 final matches. Therefore, if you want to enjoy Euro 2020, you will need to find other TV streaming services.
Update: It seems like ESPN+ has received a lot of complaint and they responded by changing the alternate feed to four multi-cam views. The change was implemented starting from the last match of group stage. Notably, there is an actual match broadcast on the top-left corner; The other views include two player cams and one aerial view. The normal match view is quite tiny as it takes less than 25% of my TV screen, however, it might appease angry ESPN+ subscribers. At the end of the day, the experience is good enough if you have a big screen and we can’t complain as ESPN+ costs just $5.99/month.

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Ayush says
Can we get rid of multiview ? I subscribed today and i am really disappointed with it.
Kaz says
They f**k up euro for us, I hate espn
Maz says
This is pure stupidity!
I called them and cancelled my membership and got my money back!
Red says
Agree, it is horrible.
Hasan ZAMAN says
No replay kills 90% of the entertainment!
I did not realize it was so stupid.$5.99 is still some money.
Ryan Jacob says
I just did the same thing you did. Has anyone at ESPN ever actually watched a soccer match? This is a terrible viewing experience. Cancelling my subscription ASAP.
Elisabeth B. says
This is a rip-off and false advertisement to boot because you don’t know that it’s in multiview until you paid for it. Never ever will I buy espn app again
Reader says
I tried it and found it unwatchable. The match I saw had a bird’s-eye view of the pitch on the right side. I recommend PrendeTV, which provides free Euro2020 coverage in Spanish with ads.
No Multi Mike says
Thank you for the PrendeTV recommendation Reader! The Spanish-speaking world knows if it tried the “trash-view” mode like ESPN they’d spark a global meltdown ;)
Nature Guy says
I’ve subscribed to ESPN+ for several years. -generally, I really have enjoyed it. BUT, this Quad-Screen is absolutely ridiculous. -totally unwatchable. I wonder whose brain-child this was. I’m keeping ESPN+ because I’m a big Bundesliga fan….also sometimes watch Serie A games as well as one team in USL Championship. I hope this Quad-Screen fiasco is a one time thing.
Ralf Landgraf says
Agreed. This view is absolutely useless. It basically amounts to false advertisement as far as I am concerned. Who came up with this nonsense. Moreover, the TV channel does cover the games the proper way. So it is not as if they do not have access to a real feed as opposed to this pseudo coverage.
Disgruntled Hammer says
Yep, same. It’s utter garbage and the only reason I could think they would do that is to make you get a cable subscription to get the better feeds (their own) of Euro 2020.
If soccer viewers aren’t interested in seeing the late Euro games (as writer suggested) and MLS matches, then summer time is a bust for soccer viewers on ESPN+. ESPN should strongly reconsider streaming at least a quarter of these games with a normal effing feed even if it’s w/o commentary because they are aggroing customers.
For me, I guess I’ll begrudgingly stick with it for MLS/Euro finals and catch some over-the-air matches with normal feeds on ABC.
Shivan Jethwa says
Yea same the Multiview isn’t that great as well. Only thing good about it is the audio from the ESPN commentators. I was also excited that all the games was going to be shown on ESPN+, but not in this way. The think I am confused about is that why are they showing the semifinals and the final on full screen and not the rest of the games. Such a rip off.
Geoff C says
It’s shit like this that shows soccer still isn’t taken seriously in this country. ESPN would never even attempt to broadcast any other other sport like this because they know that no NFL, NBA, or MLB fan would ever accept this crap. But when it comes to soccer, even for a major tournament like the EURO’s, this is what they give their paid subscribers.
California joe says
This is a rip off ..what the actual F is this.. You c0cksuck3rs at espn ..what were you thinking scamming people
Saurabh says
They achieved their goal of killing the fun in an otherwise stellar tournament. Way to go!
Diappointed Former Customer says
Canceling mine after trying to watch one soccer match. Unwatchable!
Mike ESPN Thumbs-Down says
Yes, whoever came up with this should realize it is a utter and complete EPIC failure. You get a nosebleed view of the pitch, and usually two random players walking around. The 3rd screen doesn’t even follow the ball!
This is an affront to the viewer and insulting to “the beautiful game”. Someone at ESPN should be fired. It’s pathetic. I cancelled my subscription within the hour.
Bc says
I cannot believe that espn plus displays a soccer match using four screens so that you can’t even tell what is going on. This is a complete Ripoff! I am canceling immediately! What a disappointment.
John says
Like so many people above me I was so excited to watch the Euros on ESPN+. Literally 5mins into the first game the dream ended and haven’t watched any action since. What a joke to even offer such a terrible viewing experience, shame on you!
DP says
wish I had found this page before subscribing through Apple :). Anyways I requested cancellation and refund from apple explaining what the garbage ESPN+ soccer screens are. let’s see if they could cancel and refund.
Steve says
It was the worst. I ended up subscribing to Sling to watch the games. I can’t believe that anyone would have such a stupid idea.
Johannes says
I’ve also been so upset about this! It looks like ESPN+ has responded somewhat in the meantime–they’re now including the regular view as a fourth stream.
John Salas says
OMG I am watching my beer. I have no idea wtf this split screen is trying to achieve. Just put the game on one screen and let’s us watch it! I have no idea what’s happening. And whom ever thought of this should be shown the door before the World Cup. If ESPN doesn’t understand it sucks!
Marcel says
Dear ESPN+, no I can’t see anything that is going on in any of the views. Please just simplify your setup and show the broadcasting view. P.S., you’ll still make money so don’t cry too much.
Marlon Bonucci says
The most stupid idea by ESPN+. Who is the garbage brain who came up with this idea of multi-view.
A.G. says
Agree multi view sucks. How can we opt out of this ?
Scipio says
Utter garbage, who came up with this stupid multi-screen idea? I’m trying to watch Belgium v Portugal and a 1/4 of my screen is taken up with ‘Chicken George’ Ronaldo waltzing around the pitch, doing sweet FA. It’s giving me a headache
jeffrey goldstein says
False advertising, at least from how it was sold to me.
Ray says
Wanted to watch remaining UEFA Euro 2021 games. Signed up for ESPN+. “Watched” England v Germany. Afterward, called ESPN at 1-800-727-1800. Cancelled. Oh, well.
Ivan Z says
Good luck using a small screen for this, which is what the majority of the US will use to watch..like me…asinine decision. Obviously its because they are payed for the camera positions or something. but why waste money on 3 other views…
Susie G says
Absolutely horrendous and unwatchable.