Many of you own a blog and always want to improve its situation; may how much developed your site is. To redo the categories of your site or to build a new theme consumes a lot of time, which is not always possible to donate. So in this article, I am going to tell you 5 quick, time-saving, easy and effective ways to improve the situation of your blog by making it more reachable with better content.
1. Tweaking of Your Existing Theme
The outlook of your site does matter a lot in today’s world as it influences hugely on your rankings. Even if you have limited content in your site, if the look is attractive and approachable towards the readers, it is bound to increase the traffic in your site.
So firstly, go through the whole site and write down all the basic weak points you notice. Try to change them. You can tweak your present theme which can help you a lot in changing the appearance of your site. Try to change your site’s typography and if possible, make or find a new logo. Always keep in mind that your articles are not appearing clumsy to the reader as the main attraction of the readers is always on your articles.
2. Test Your Site Speed
Do you have any idea how fast do your site load? If it’s slow, what is slowing down your site? If you do not have any idea about it, try a ‘Site Speed Analysis’ (Google it) today and isolate it out. Then the next step is to eliminate whatever is hampering your site’s speed and that’s it! You will increase your site speed drastically without even paying a penny or moving hosts.
If you have an idea which files are slowing your site down but you cannot remove them; then try to host them on Amazon Cloudfront or Rackspace cloud, or use CDN services to vastly increase their download speed in the site quite cheaply.
3. Addition of Static Pages
Most of the readers like to read out day to day content. Many of them are regular readers also in your site as there is something that is available in the static pages of your site.
If you check the traffic stats of your site, you will find that your static pages are quite popular but they fall out of date as they are not written constantly or frequently.
Find out some time to update and add static pages by writing a bit about yourself, adding relevant pictures and pages that relate your regular blog topics. It really works wonder!
4. Add some new Feature
As WordPress and other blogging platforms make it very easy for bloggers to add plug-ins, widgets and other elements to their site, you can try out new tools and services with ease and safety. But adding features randomly will hurt your site a lot, both in speed and appearance. Do look deeply in the changes you made as it should not harm the rankings and position of your site.
5. BrainStorm – The most effective way
Take it from me; it is the most renowned and effective way to incorporate a positive change in your site which will reap you huge benefits in the coming days.
You will not see the effect immediately but you will get the magic of this slowly, on the long run. If you have a busy blogging schedule, it is tough to write a picture-perfect post as you do not have enough time to think unique topics and ideas which will help you to craft an ideal post for your site.
So, it is my advice to you, to Brainstorm in advance. Brainstorm means to spend some time on some minute point’s like-
- Article topic selection (relevant and contemporary)
- Article Structure (Attractive and appealing)
- Spending time to prepare list of topics for next couple of weeks
If you follow these advices religiously, I can assure you that you will come up with articles of much higher quality, better thought out, rich in language and of course in less time. If you are prone to post every day in a week, then take an hour or two to Brainstorm (Google your needs) and you will come up with 20 good ideas that will fetch you well crafted quality posts for the next 3 weeks.
Bottom Line
All you need to do to make your site improve leaps and bounds is to spend some of your time on the indirect aspects of blogging. Those aspects really help a lot in increasing the ranking and will flow more and more traffic with time. Here are 5 tips to initiate the improvement. The rest depends solely on your acute ‘Brainstorming’.
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PrIyAnGsHu says
I often find myself tweaking with the theme and add other attractive widgets in the sidebar of my blog. It gives my site a fresh look :) !
Nick says
Definitely love to tweak my theme — it really sets your blog apart from other sites that might be using the same one; really helps with personal branding. Widgets/Plugins are always a plus too – I think I might go a little overboard with the plugins at times, but they’re one of the things that make WordPress such a great platform.
Never checked my site speed before, nor do I have any real static pages – I’ll have to look into both of those pretty soon. Great tips! Keep it up! :)
Amit Shaw says
Yeah Tweaking theme is really very effective. Like Last month ThinkTraffic change there theme and get lots of new Subscriber as well as visitor too. Speed is a vital part too. No one like slow loading site. Thanks for this simple tips. Cheers.