We are always loosing something both of importance and unimportance. This can be from a phone number written on a sheet of paper to your keys. However, the sad reality is that it is easier to lose something than find it. This was certainly the case before the invent of Tile, a bluetooth tag that allows individuals to make use of an application that allows them to locate the missing tagged item.
Today we will take a look at the product, the pros and cons, and see what makes the product a true hit in its category.
How Does it Work?
Simply add the tile to what ever item you are thinking of having tracked. From there, you are able to connect the tile to the iPhone application. Using Bluetooth, the tile is continually tracked once the “e” in “Tile” is activated. Whenever you lose an item, simply ping it and you are make your way to the item.
The item must be within your vicinity, and if it isn’t you can activate lost mode to allow others who also have the tile application to help you find it. Once they find the item, you can be notified. You can also view a map to see where it was last located, and activating “Find” in Tile for iOS allows for a sound to be emitted to help you find the tile.
Tour of the App
Tile for iOS is best shown off when talking about the crowd searching that is made possible through the application when you aren’t within range. You are able to see other Tiles within the area, allowing you to help out in the discovery of the lost items of other people. In many cases, because the surrounding apps can ping the location of other tiles without knowing, other users don’t have to even do anything to help out in the discovery or nearest location of lost items. To find an item of your own, simply press the connected item you have connected to your app. It will show if it is in range.
Pros and Cons

Some aspects of Tile that I like is that it provides the location of lost items in the most concealed way possible. While it does lack GPS or more up-to-date location information when lost, especially if there aren’t other Tile users around, this is to keep Tile thin and as minimal as possible. The way Tile does combat this con, through allowing the use of other Bluetooth-connected Tile apps, to ping the most recent location, is a very smart move on their part.
A couple of cons I found with Tile however is the cost, battery, and subsequent replacement. It is $19.99 per Tile, which is quite hefty. You’ll find discounts with the more tiles you purchase. However, it’s still a very expensive investment. The tile is meant to last for a full year. What happens afterwards? As of now, you’ll have to spend another $20. There aren’t discounts for replacements as of now, however it would be something I believe will come soon from the company.
In the end, many individuals feel that the cost is worth it. Especially for products or locations where theft is likely, it is a smart purchase. This is, of course, a lot cheaper than having to replace the item itself. In addition, there are some individuals who have found it to be a great way to keep track of their children, just in case they wander off a bit. The possibilities are endless. Let us know in the comments below how you’ll make use of Tile and your thoughts on its future success.
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