Not everyone understands the importance of end-to-end encryption, yet it is something that we use in our daily lives when we use instant messaging and video conference apps such as Skype or Zoom. Some of these applications are announcing the implementation of end-to-end encryption, which can protect your private conversations from hackers and other trackers that want to get their hands on sensitive data for marketing purposes.
Although having end-to-end encryption sounds ideal when it comes to privacy, the real question is what your end-to-end encryption should have or not have.
Some of the features that any good end-to-end encryption should have are excellent performance and, at the same time, trustworthiness. It should have efficient solutions, value-adding services, and overall protection against familiar and unfamiliar attacks. Many applications may implement end-to-end encryption, but not all of them offer the best security. If you have a business or work with sensitive data in the company you are working for, make sure you choose the best end-to-end encryption applications that provide the best security.
Before anything else, let’s understand end-to-end encryption a little bit further.

What is End-to-End Encryption?
End-to-encryption is the process of applying encryption to messages for privacy purposes. It is put there to make sure that the only device that can decrypt the message is the one where the message is sent to. Does it make any sense? End-to-end encryption makes sure that the messages wouldn’t get intercepted by a third party to spy on your conversations—keeping them private and protected at all times.
Intercepting data is not easy. One would need advanced computer knowledge and special equipment to do so—but you can never be too careful, especially if some of your online conversations involve sensitive data.
How does end-to-end encryption work?
Aside from encrypting a message and allowing only one device to decrypt the data, there are other ways to keep the messages safe from the eyes of unauthorized people, such as transferring data in clear text. This process is not actually encrypting the message, and it is not very secure—so steer clear from this type of end-to-end encryption.
Another option is by encrypting the data while in transit. You are the only one who has access to your phone, and that is why some hackers try to steal data while it is in transit. This encrypts the data before it reaches the server and the receiver. It is a secure process that protects people from eavesdropping on your messages while in transit.
Now that you have enough information about end-to-end encryption, let’s look at some of the items you want your messenger application or antivirus software’s end-to-end encryption to have.
5 Items Your End-to-End Encryption Should Have
#1 You want your end-to-end encryption to protect all sorts of data
Encrypting messages is a great way to increase security and privacy. However, you don’t want it to be limited to just SMS messages and text. End-to-end encryption should also encrypt images, business messages, videos, audio messages, and any other media type users send through the internet.
#2 It should have the best performance
Because hackers and online attackers use the same technology as us, they will most likely find a way to get their hands on your data using advanced tools and techniques. Your end-to-end encryption should know the many attacker techniques to stop them.
It should also detect most attacks at a high percentage to be considered trustworthy and effective. In addition, end-to-end encryption should also have a wide range of compatibility across all devices to maximize its usage.
For example, if you match security platforms like SentinelOne vs. Carbon Black end-to-end encryption, SentinelOne has a broader range of compatibility compared to the latter.
#3 It should also provide solutions
Stopping hackers and online attackers is not enough. You should have end-to-end encryption that provides fast solutions. Suppose someone ever tries to attack your computer or steal private data. In that case, it is suitable for your end-to-end encryption to have some sort of automatic recovery to stop the attacker quickly and repair the damage with one click or so.
#4 Protects You from Known and Unknown Attacks
Finding a program that can secure you from some of the known types of attacks is a given. You want a service that can sense and prevent unknown types of attacks or malicious activity, whether you are online or offline. End-to-end encryption should figure out new ways to stop attacks and prevent them before they happen by adapting new techniques before the hackers. It will depend on the algorithm and AI capabilities of your end-to-end encryption.
#5 Extra Features
End-to-end encryption should not be limited to encrypting messages and security. The service should also have extra options that add value to the product, such as responsive customer service in times of need or 24-hour experts on standby—especially if you own a company with tons of confidential data and information stored in the cloud.
End-to-end encryption is essential, whether you need an all-out security platform to secure your business’ sensitive data, or you need an antivirus or VPN to stop companies from tracking you or hackers from hacking you. Your digital presence is almost the same as your actual presence– so always make sure you are protected.
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