In the last decades, the term “virtual reality” or VR has been used quite extensively. Today, we see emerging digital innovations that are likely to form a basis for the full virtual reality.
This technology can be immensely helpful in finding precise and complete data in rapid information flows. And thanks to visualization, this process will be taking place much faster than now.
The revolution in VR that we are witnessing today will fundamentally change our leisure, communication, and self-development. And who knows, maybe virtual reality will even help us solve the most pressing problems that we’re facing today?

But what about now? How can a student cope with an ever-increasing amount of information? How do they handle all those essays, term papers, and reports if VR is still far from perfection? As for now, one of the most popular ways is seeking the assistance of specialized academic services.
VR Gadgets
After the Oculus Rift headset, its manufacturer plans to develop a more sophisticated VR helmet that would enable its wearer to move about freely.
Thanks to the new Oculus Go virtual glasses, Mark Zuckerberg expects the number of Facebook users to increase by nearly one billion. But a VR helmet is only the first step towards total immersion of people into virtual reality.
Until recently, VR gadgets were mainly used in the gaming industry. However, analysts believe that there may be more applications of VR in other spheres of human activity.
According to Business Insider and Tech SciResearch, more than 25 million people will use artificial reality in 2018, and not all of them will be gamers.
At the moment, Control VR, a California-based company, is developing gloves that it claims will push the boundaries of virtual reality even further. By putting them on, you’ll be able to not only see your hands and other parts of your body inside VR but also manipulate virtual objects in there. The sensors placed on the wearer’s hands, shoulders, and forearms will generate an interactive image, thus creating a truly immersive experience.
VR technology is projected to become even more realistic, making it impossible for its users to distinguish physical reality from a simulation.
VR for Medical Purposes
VR gloves can be used in many different areas, including medicine. They can help people who suffered a heart stroke or sustained severe trauma recover more quickly.
Thanks to VR, patients will be able to undergo therapy at home, and not in the hospital.
VR simulators can also be used to overcome fears and different phobias. Artificial reality significantly reduces the training time for medical students, allowing them to practice in conditions identical to a real operating theatre. 3D-models generated with the help of VR can let them gain more profound insights into the inner workings of the human body.
It is predicted that VR-controlled nanorobots will be introduced in the human brain and be responsible for virtual senses of smell, vision, and hearing. Being no bigger than blood cells, they can stay in the human body for an indefinitely long time and be activated whenever necessary.
VR Technology in Education
Education and technology are closely linked, and their interaction can change the world in which we live. The educational sector always requires the adoption of modern innovations in the training process.
Today, the younger generation feels quite comfortable obtaining knowledge online by watching instructional videos on YouTube and learning remotely.
VR-assisted learning is the next step. Studying with the help of VR games has the potential of increasing student motivation significantly. The possibility of gaining practical knowledge without leaving home or classroom can make the educational process much more efficient and meaningful.
Instead of listening to boring lectures, students can get hands-on experience in the virtual world. VR allows them to gain exposure to any professional field and solve everyday problems at the training stage. In fact, some VR projects are already being applied in high schools and higher education institutions.
Other Ways of VR Application
Virtual reality will play a major role in the automotive industry. Computer modeling will replace designing a car prototype, blowing a model in a wind tunnel, and crash testing.
Also, VR simulators can be applied to train future pilots and astronauts. A compact VR device will partially replace bulky equipment.
3D VIRTSIM simulator created by Raytheon, a US weapon producer, enables military personnel to immerse themselves in a realistic virtual reality combat environment, such as a forest, a city street, or a room full of hostages.
A Few Words to Conclude
Of course, the application of VR is not restricted to education, medicine, and aerospace industries. This modern technology can help humanity in many other fields as well. “The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless,” wrote Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a famous French philosopher of the 18th century. That is, the possibilities of applying VR technology are limitless.
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