I have discovered this site, Blog2Print.com, a long time ago. It is an awesome site. A nice web app to create a book out of your blog posts. This is especially helpful for writers who need a little jump boost to create a book but just couldn’t finish or start it out. My advice to those writers, “Start a blog.” Then when they get enough content (and mostly sticking to the story or to the point), make an ebook out of it with Blog2Print.
What Blog2Print does is to extract all of your blog posts into one page flipping, java (HTML?) interactive online book for you to review. If you like what you see, how the posts are formatted, great! You can order a print out for a small charge. If you don’t like what you see, the format of the posts vs images, the types of articles to choose from, etc, you can edit these on the spot.

Most likely, one would wonder, “Why create an ebook for sale, when my readers can read my blog for free?” That is a good question.
Because Of Added Value by Blog2Print
Blog2Print allows you to add more to your already imported content ebook. You can add images, a forward, a disclosure, another article, etc, directly on your book. You can say that you can have your readers purchase this ebook because it consist of your collected blog posts and more that you will not post on your blog. This gives a sense of Premium content and value.
Need some ideas?
“But my blog is personal.” Or. “My blog posts are practically about a lot of things. What do I do?” Well, for the first matter on being personal, if it’s a closed blog, it cannot be imported (I tried). They can only import content from blogs whose posts are not private or secured from public viewing. Unless, you extract the specific kind of blog posts that are public, then you are fine. If your blog posts are truly random and there’s no way to add 1+1 = PROFIT ebook, do not fret. There is a way. This is the Internet.
Create a DIY ebook
Let’s say I create a blog about DIY projects. I keep a blog of all my home DIY projects to hack my home with a little automation. Though vague as it can be, I put them on my blog anyways. A couple of photos, a short small post of what I did. Nothing in detail. When I feel like that blog post is getting a lot of hits as compared to the others (thanks to Quantcast, Google Analytics and anything else that helps make stats make sense), I create an ebook out of that blog post via Blog2Print. A nice little instructional book on how to make your own self-irrigation home-growing tomato garden is one example. I would add the extra details via and in Blog2Print. And I only need is to extract that one blog post.
Your Personal Travel eGuide to (Insert Location Here)
How about photoblogs who captures a lot of pictures and then post them up? Like travel pictures. You could sell them and add a little insider’s traveling guide on going to the neatest places for best food, a nice way to spend the night life, etc.
Mad Cook eBooks!
Food Blogs are awesome for cook books. All those recipes in one book makes it easier for readers to keep a printed recipe in the kitchen. You can even include the readers’ comments (or their version of your recipe or their food rating) into your book. Yes, Blog2Print has the feature to include your readers’ comments in the book. And yes, doing so, will probably make your readers famous too. Probably.
In Conclusion
Ideas are endless when it comes to authoring your own ebook. Just be sure that it is appropriate for the audience. If you are in need of a little cash for your hard-working content creating, journalism, writing and picture taking, Blog2Print is one way to go. Either that, or you can copy and paste each blog post into a Microsoft Word document, format a little, add images, create your own book cover and you’re done. And if that doesn’t work, start blogging. You might just get an idea for another book. If you can find a similar service (I’ve googled and I couldn’t) or know of anything else that might break that writer’s block, share it in the comment section below!
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